Any modern solution cannot be imagined without a Find-Ability feature in it. So far we used to understand Search as the Find-ability solution, but with the next generation Digital Transformation concepts, the idea of Find-ability also has got changed a lot. Along with traditional search features, features like cognitive search, hybrid search, gesture or scribble driven search, sentiment guided search, media content search etc. have surfaced. And with further swing to cognitive power, even in enterprise world, the utilities like Computer Vision and Object Recognition also have got their chance in the domain of Find-ability. Enterprise Search is now more improved and with flexibility of using hybrid niche platforms focusing specific search areas, we call it Enterprise Search +. And of course one cannot ignore the need of summarizing large contents in a moment while everybody's time is precious in today's world. As a whole EmpFinesse™ Fundamentals has it Find-Ability component covering all such features and functions making it the best possible versatile Find-Ability solution on air.